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Board & Paper

What MM digital can do

… and how you can benefit from it.


Everything at a glance

The personalised dashboard of MM digital provides a clear and quick overview of the most important and most up-to-date information on your business relationship with MM Board & Paper. Using visual illustrations (scorecards, charts, statistics) of data and key figures, past and future processes, opportunities and risks are presented dynamically in real-time. Standard assessments, KPIs, and reports can be generated anytime, in real time. This is how MM digital supports our customers with important business decisions – by a simple click.

Your advantage 

You can see at a glance

a production preview including 
booking deadlines and
delivery times of MM qualities.

an overview of your 
upcoming deliveries.

an overview of your stock levels 
including additional information, 
so you can initiate call-offs on time 
and save storage fees.

a direct link to your MM customer 
service agent including an online 
communication function.

the latest news about 
MM Board & Paper.

MM digital dashboard – all important information at a glance

Product search

Find and compare quickly

All information about our extensive cartonboard and liner portfolio can be accessed easily in the product search of MM digital. The product search helps you in a targeted manner to find the right product for your application. The option of comparing different qualities in terms of their technical parameters further assists you in your decision making.

Your advantage 

With just a few clicks you can

find product information.

filter products according to quality 
groups, mill, grammages, thickness, 
stiffness, brightness and many other 
key parameters.

compare products in terms of 
stiffness and brightness.

view the technical data sheet and 
detailed product description online 
and download as a PDF file.

order A4 samples of your selected 
products directly online.

MM digital – just a few clicks to find the right product

MM digital – products can be compared easily and quickly regarding their stiffness and brightness

Certificates and statements

Just one download away

We consider it our responsibility to set new market standards with respect to the highest safety and hygiene principles and to continuously optimise our responsible use of resources. MM digital therefore also provides easy access to a quick overview of product and mill certificates (e.g. FSC®, PEFC, HACCP, ISO 9001). Any additional certificates and statements you might need can be requested online and are easily available for download.

Your advantage  

This area allows you to

search and filter for 
specific certificates and 

download certificates and 
statements as PDF files.

submit enquiries about 
new confirmations.

download all necessary 
certificates and 
statements, e.g. for audits, 
in one simple step.

MM digital – viewing product and mill certificates

Price lists and agreements

Clearly presented

Aside from a clear price overview for each product, MM digital also offers a listing of contractual agreements you have established with MM Board & Paper. You can view them online or download them directly as PDF files – of course all under strict application of data protection rules.

Your advantage 

You can

view a clear pricing 
overview online anytime.

download price lists, 
customer-specific contracts, and 
contractual agreements (e.g. storage 
agreements) as PDF files.

MM digital – viewing price lists and contracts

Production preview

For better planning

The production preview in MM digital quickly gives you an overview of the MM Board & Paper qualities soon to be produced. The products are arranged according to their latest booking deadline. With this improvement in planning quality, it is possible to optimise stock-keeping, reduce lead times significantly and ultimately lower costs throughout the entire supply chain. If you ever need a particular cartonboard quality at short notice, you can also find it easily in this new area.

Your advantage

Thanks to the digital production preview, you can

see all MM Board & Paper
products that will be 
produced in the 
near future.

select a suitable 
product using the search 
and filter function.

find out when you 
have to book in order 
to receive the ordered 
qualities on time.

select the delivery date
you need and find the right
product based on that information.

MM digital – the production preview helps you to optimise your order booking

Enquiries, reservations, and bookings

It only takes a few seconds…

MM digital offers you the ultimate flexibility of placing orders anytime and anywhere. You receive your booking confirmation with the exact delivery date in seconds after just a few clicks. It is also possible to submit enquiries and reservations, view them online, and change them if necessary. You can track your booking status in real time.

Your advantage 

You can

submit enquiries, 
reservations, and 
bookings online around 
the clock, and change 
them if you need to.

place orders and 
receive a confirmation 
within seconds – 
even on weekends.

view all bookings online 
and reorder previously 
ordered materials with 
just a click.

find a particular 
booking with the filter 
and search function.

track your booking 
status in real time.

export your bookings.

place trial orders 
quickly and easily.

MM digital – Order anytime

MM digital – Order anytime

Inventory, call-offs from warehouse, and load optimisation

View and call-off anytime

Thanks to MM digital, you can access your stock levels online anytime and in real time. You can place call-offs from the warehouse seamlessly with just a few clicks. Your booking confirmation with delivery date will arrive immediately after. MM digital helps you to make your deliveries more economical and environmentally friendly. It indicates loads that can be optimised in terms of size and weight by consolidating and grouping shipments. The active optimisation suggestions of the MM digital platform can lead directly to logistics cost savings.

Your advantage 

You can

view your stock levels 
online, in real time and 
around the clock.

find a particular 
product in the warehouse 
with the filter and search 

place call-offs 
online anytime.

optimise your load 
in terms of size 
and weight.

MM digital – manage your stocks and call-offs easily


View and track your shipments around the clock

MM digital makes material movements transparent. The online platform gives you an overview of all planned deliveries and those already on their way. You can view all available details, right down to the load number and the lorry’s number plate. GPS-supported localisation of the delivery vehicles is available as an additional option in real time.

Your advantage 

You can

monitor all deliveries.

locate your delivery precisely 
using GPS tracking.

view details like load number 
and lorry’s number plate.

download delivery 
documents as PDF files.

edit an ordered product 
that is not yet en-route to you.

MM digital – Delivery tracking with just a few clicks

MM digital – Delivery tracking with just a few clicks


A better overview

MM digital offers an overview of all payables and allows you to view open and paid invoices online. Companies can manage their payables more quickly and access invoices online anytime.

Your advantage 

You can

access a clear overview 
of all payables including 
due dates.

track open and paid invoices.

search for a particular 
invoice with the filter and 
search function.

MM digital – all payables at a glance

Online communication channel and help area

Stay in constant contact

If you have questions, you can use the online communication function to communicate with your sales representatives at MM Board & Paper directly online. This supplements the usual communication channels like phone and e-mail. The help pages also provide a brief explanatory video on every function of MM digital, for support and quick orientation. For additional questions about the platform, you can of course contact your personal customer service agent directly at any time.

Your advantage 

You can

get quick answers 
to your questions.

communicate with 
your customer service 
agent online during 
business hours.

view and trace 
a record of your 
conversations in every 
MMK digital menu item.

look up all functions 
and areas of the platform 
in simple explanatory 

MM digital – leaves no question unanswered