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Board & Paper

Converting guideline: An important part of the safety concept

To ensure the functionality of the barrier, a Converting Guideline has been drawn up which assures safe packaging solutions if it is adhered to.

To preserve the safety of food packed in FOODBOARD™ all along the supply chain, it is subject to Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 as are all materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. This regulation states that all materials and articles must be made in accordance with “Good Manufacturing Practice” (GMP) in such a way that under normal or foreseeable conditions of use, no components can migrate to food in quantities which put human health at risk, lead to an unjustifiable change in the composition of the food or affect its organoleptic properties (Art. 3 Sec. 1). Furthermore, Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 specifies that an appropriate quality assurance and monitoring system must be implemented and documented for the production of materials and articles for the food industry.

For the quality assurance of the production processes and environment for FOODBOARD™ we provide special support. The Converting Guideline covers the process steps in the converting and packing facility. It is important to note that only perfect FOODBOARD™ sheets may be fed into the converting process. Mechanical pressure leading to serious damage to the reverse side of the cartonboard must be avoided. This means, for example, that only mineral oil-free and low-migration printing inks and varnish must be used for printing the front side of FOODBOARD™, and when die-cutting and creasing the usual specifications must be precisely met in the die-cutting and creasing technology used. The standard GMP requirements for hygienic cleanliness apply to all steps of the process.

External inspections conducted by independent printing experts and technicians confirm that the instructions contained in the Converting Guideline can be implemented without problems by converting and packing facilities in the course of everyday practice, and that production by standard methods is definitely possible. The functional barrier as a product characteristic can be secured if the Converting Guideline and the instructions contained in it are adhered to and FOODBOARD™ is used in accordance with its intended purpose.

For further information, please contact our team of experts:

Interested? Datasheet and Samples of
FOODBOARD™ can be found here: