Since the go-live at the end of March 2018, a large number of customers have been
actively using our new sales and service channel, MM digital!
The strong performance and the new level of cooperation are met with considerable
enthusiasm and greatly appreciated, as the feedback shows:
With just a single click! – User friendly and efficient
MM digital is a user-friendly digital tool for order booking, making enquiries, and delivery planning. An online platform where we can easily access all necessary and updated information about product availability and production schedule, which can facilitate better timing. All certificates and technical data sheets can be downloaded any time, and with just a single click we can track our orders and enquiries. MM digital is definitely a time saving option for us and for our customers by providing such excellent functions as easy booking processes from the order history, and converting possibility from a reservation with one click.
Viktória Varga,
Europapier Budapest Kft.
Maximum speed and quality
MM digital has raised cooperation to a new level, where everything is open and transparent. All tasks can be done with maximum speed and quality. MM digital creates a system with a high level of accountability and ability to work directly without intermediaries online.
Dmytro Tarasyuk,
Pryvatna Drukarnya
A very useful time saving tool
With the MM digital production preview, we have immediate insight into earliest possible delivery dates, which means great time saving potential.
Hans Griemink,
Schut Packaging bv
More efficiency and sustainability
We are taking on a leading position in the packaging sector in terms of technology and productivity. We can only do this with a strong partner like MM Board & Paper, who also invests in the future in order to increase productivity. MM Board & Paper’s new online platform is another step into that future that lets us automate processes and thereby save time and money. For instance, we can submit call-offs from stock quickly and with just a few clicks. Beyond that, MM digital actively assists with making deliveries more efficient and more environmentally-friendly. Reaction speed and flexibility are key success factors for our customers. MM digital allows us to react to unforeseen situations immediately, at any time. It shows options how loads can be optimised in terms of size and weight. That represents significant added value for us and very much supports sustainability.
Hendrik Schumacher,
Schumacher Packaging GmbH
Around the clock availability
In MM digital, we can order products and obtain information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: At a single glance, we can see the production preview including booking times and delivery dates of the MM qualities, and a clearly structured price table. In addition, it is possible to check stock levels and submit call-offs online at any time. This is unique in the cartonboard industry and provides an unparalleled level of independence – no phone calls, no searching and leafing through price lists. Thanks to the option of entering orders simultaneously in MM digital and in our system, and the instant order confirmation, the automated processes also give us improved data quality.
Gabriel Heizmann,
WB Verpackungen GmbH

MM digital is available to customers around the clock on our newly designed website
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