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Board & Paper

Codability – Pharma

Cartonboard solutions in the pharma and healthcare segment must be fault free. Cartonboard qualities for pharmaceutical applications should dispose of ideal inkjet and laser coding properties.

Inkjet Codability

A requirement for cartonboard grades for pharmaceutical applications that are printed with the inkjet method is that barcodes must be wipe restistant after a waiting time of ≤ 0.3 seconds.

       Test Standard

PTS-DF 103/2021


General information 

Cartonboard can be coded with aqueous inks using the inkjet method, for pharmaceutical applications, if the carton board passes the test according to PTS method PTS-DF 103/2021 “Assessing the coding properties of folding boxboard by means of drop-on-demand (DOD) inkjet printers”. A requirement for cartonboard grades for pharmaceutical applications that are printed with the inkjet method with aqueous inks is that barcodes must be wipe resistant after a waiting time of ≤ 0.3 seconds. The test according to DIN EN ISO 15415 must be passed with at least grading C.

Additional details – practical relevance

To be suitable as a pharmaceutical cartonboard, the cartonboard has to meet the requirements for Braille embossing in addition to the above conditions. Generally, all areas that are to be coded with the inkjet method with aqueous inks should not be printed or varnished.

Laser Codability

When it comes to laser coding for pharmaceutical applications, the Data Matrix Code must be produced on the cartonboard at a production speed of 50 m/min and has to be verified with at least grading C.

       Test Standard

PTS-DF 105/2019


General information 

Cartonboard can be coded with the laser ablation process for pharmaceutical applications, if the cartonboard passes the test according to PTS method PTS – DF 105/2019 “Assessment of the codability of paperboard with laser ablation”. The Data Matrix Code must be produced on the cartonboard at a production speed of 50 m/min and the code has to be verified with at least grading C after the test according to DIN EN ISO 15415. The evaluation of the test is carried out using the FFPI guiding line FFPI – SP 08/2019.

Additional details – practical relevance

To be suitable as a pharmaceutical cartonboard, the cartonboard has to meet the requirements for Braille embossing in addition to the above conditions. The composition of the coating is an important factor for the efficiency of coding, because pure CaCO3 coatings are not codable. The addition of additives improves the ability for coding.

Click here for datasheets and samples of our recommended qualities for pharma packaging
with optimum laser and inkjet coding properties