Recycled Cartonboard
Cartonboard made of recovered fibres is the embodiment of sustainable packaging. MM Board & Paper is one of the world’s leading producers.

About Recycled Cartonboard
MM Board & Paper is one of the worldwide leaders in WLC (White Lined Chipboard).
Cartonboard and paper are the most recycled packaging materials in the world. Fibres can be reused up to 25 times – and what better way than in one of our recycled cartonboard qualities? These are top-performing products from one of the world’s leading producers. And our MultiMill concept from European mills ensures maximum supply security with short lead times. All this makes us your reliable partner for more sustainable packaging material.
Our top recycled cartonboard brands (MCM®, MCB®, TOPCOLOR®, FOODBOARD®) include a wide range of products to help you realise all your packaging ideas.
Your reliable friend. Our duplex board for all occasions that knows exactly what you need. Our multi-talent for (almost) any application.
Right at your service. Timeless sophistication that brings an element of style to everyday packaging. Our triplex board for smart solutions.
Nature at its best. Sustainability and beauty combined in our high-end triplex board for the most fascinating results.
A true expert when it comes to food. Protects food from unintended substances like mineral oils. Our triplex board for sustainable and safe food packaging.
Advantages of recycled cartonboard by MM Board & Paper:
Recycled cartonboard from MM Board & Paper offers the optimal solution for…
Recycled cartonboard from MM Board & Paper is produced at