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New legal framework will be signed off soon

The development of FOODBOARD™ set a milestone! MMK’s innovation is an effective protection against the migration of mineral oils and other unwanted substances like benzophenones, phthalates or DIPN. A fact which was very well-received by producers of consumer goods and the media, leading to many invitations of MMK experts for presentations on industry symposia, conferences or food association summits. 

Mineral oil migration is still on the agenda – possible causes and risks are being discussed in the press. Representatives of the German Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Customer Protection (BMELV) met late summer with industry experts including MM Karton. After intensive consultations, the Federal Institute of Risk Evaluation (BfR) has confirmed the obligation to reduce mineral oil migration into food and therefore insists on a corresponding legal regulation. 

As of year-end, they are going to assess together with the European Commission, whether and how a European-wide regulation will be developed or not– in the latter case, it seems that a solution just for Germany is intended to come in early 2013.

The limit value defined by the BfR of max 0,6 mg/kg MOSH (satisfied carbonates) is not an intended limit any longer, but the migration of MOAH (aromatic carbonates) should not be detectable (detection limit 0,15 mg/kg MOAH in foodstuff). This detection limit will be possibly included in the 22nd draft to the amendment of the Commodities Regulation (Mineral Oil Regulation) of the BMELV. With FOODBOARD™, all conducted analysis have underscored both values. 

After more than ten industrial pilot test productions of FOODBOARD™ for industrial fabrication and several converting trials, tests were being conducted with selected market partners from the food industry during Q4 2011. In addition to its functional barrier, FOODBOARD™ offers all advantages of a sustainable cartonboard quality like recyclability and compostability and will be available before execution of the mineral oil ordinance.

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FOODBOARDcan be found here: