Even Higher Quality of Raw Material Supply as well as more Stable Carton-board Quality in Gernsbach
A promising incoming goods inspection system for recovered paper proves its value.
Early this year, the first prototype of the ‘Balemat’ jointly developed by PTS (Papiertechnische Stiftung) and Haarla Oy to inspect incoming recovered paper, such as sorted, mixed paper and boards, was installed and put into operation at our mill in Gernsbach. The recovered paper bales are evaluated objectively, efficiently and at great speed: Information is gathered directly from the bales’ cores by means of a measuring probe, thus ensuring highly reliable and meaningful data. The system automatically determines the humidity, ‘ash’ level and mechanical pulp percentage of the fibre material by analysing a statistically representative bale cross-section allowing us to precisely identify the quality of the delivery.
On-going, targeted investment in R&D enables the realisation of future-oriented concepts at MMK. Based on the information gained, we can now rapidly check recycled fibre resources and put them to use more effectively. This results in a higher raw material quality, which translates into a more stable cartonboard quality.
The system will be rolled out to other MMK mills in a staged manner as soon as the system has reached industrial maturity.