MMK Cartonboard can prevent migration
Migration Barrier
Consumer safety is the top priority. Cartonboard qualities with functional barrier by Mayr-Melnhof Karton are the solution for the challenge of mineral oil migration and ensure the highest level of product safety.
Good to know
The ways in which mineral oils or other unintended substances can enter food items (migration) are many: The 185-page EFSA report (European Food Safety Authority) names an endless list of sources for the origin of mineral oils in foods. Only a functional barrier can provide comprehensive protection from migration.
Using FOODCART™ limits MOAH migration (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons) into the packaged food to max. 0.5 mg/kg. This complies with the draft of the German directive “22 Amended Ordinance regarding the Commodities Regulation” (Mineral Oil Regulation). FOODBOARD™, the cartonboard with the ultimate functional barrier, goes one step further. When using this quality, no MOAH migration (detection limit = 0.15 mg/kg) can be detected. Both cartonboard qualities protect packaged foods against cross-contamination.
- Aluminium foils, Plastic compounds
- Thick Bags of polyethylenterephthalate (PET)
- Bags of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyolefin (PE and PP) also do not offer adequate protection against Migration of MOAHs
- Dry foods like rice, cereals, pasta, tea
- Chocolate and confectionary