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Board & Paper

MM digital vs. pure electronic data interchange (EDI) – a comparison with a clear winner

In MM digital, we use a digital platform in addition to the classic electronic data interchange (EDI). And with good reason.

The term electronic data interchange (EDI) refers to electronically automated transfer of standardised business data between different companies. The data – such as orders, delivery notes, or invoices – has to be available to the exchange in common international structures and formats, so that recipients can further process them automatically without manual processing or re-entry. In the cartonboard and paper industry, PapiNet has become the accepted standard.

A disadvantage of data interchange is the initial set-up – this is often not feasible for small and mid-sized enterprises. Also, the handling of exceptions is not defined. For instance, if a customer requests a delivery date or a particular quantity that the manufacturer cannot immediately confirm, the electronic data interchange is at an impasse. Exceptions and urgent

interactions cannot be processed. The parties have to coordinate by telephone, and valuable time is lost. 

This is where MM digital comes in. MM digital allows users to conduct all core business processes directly online and in real time, including exceptions. The data only needs to be entered once in MMK digital, and can then be read into the customer system via a PapiNet interface, if required. Therefore no double-entries are required.

A comparison of MM digital with standardised EDI illustrates the added value of our digital platform and underscores why MM digital represents the future of conducting business processes with our customers:

Function MM digital Electronic data interchange (EDI)
Make an enquiry
Exceptional enquiry
Receive digital enquiry confirmation/offer
Conversion of offer to order
Standardised order

Book exception order
Digital order confirmation

Exception over/underproduction
Book a call-off
Exception call-off
Call-off confirmation
Exception delivery
Shipping confirmation

Digital invoice

View stock levels
Proposal of special offers
View contracts
Integrated interactive product catalogue
Integrated online communication (messaging)
View certificates
Interactive production preview
View price lists/agreements