MM digital with extended functions
Since the beginning of the year, MM digital has been revolutionising the daily business of our customers in the packaging industry. MM digital reduces the amount of time and effort spent on administrative tasks as a result of simplified processes, and it provides support through practical functions. And best of all, our new sales and service channel is steadily growing and offering innovative, helpful options.
MM digital – buy board online!
The following new features are available to you:
Multiple bookings – since September 2018
The booking procedure has been made even more efficient and considerably speeded up. With immediate effect, you can book several products – even from different mills – online at the same time with just a few clicks, thereby saving time. Seamless processes mean a genuine saving in time for our customers.
Individual user rights – by the end of 2018
Customers themselves can use MM digital to define individual rights for their employees, thereby determining the various menu items they are allowed to use or actions they are allowed to take. This facilitates tailor-made usability for every user.
Special offers – 1st half of 2019
Next year will see the start of the big bargain hunt in MM digital. It will be possible to buy sideruns and stocklots online at any time on particularly favourable terms.

In November 2018, we invited our customers through a survey to improve MMK digital still further. The focus was on the platform’s usability and efficiency. Should you have further suggestions for improving MMK digital, we look forward to receiving a personal message from you ( Your ideas are important to enable us to offer you now and in the future sustainable cartonboard solutions with attractive service. We will be happy to put that into practice for you!