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2020 European Carton Excellence Awards – Platinum for MMP

Pro Carton and ECMA took the current situation as an opportunity to organize their first joint virtual event, the “2020 Carton E-vent & Awards”! A good occasion to reward excellent cartonboard packaging.

2020 European Carton Excellence Awards – Platinum for MMP

The Carton Excellence Awards were established over 20 years ago and it is now considered Europe’s most prestigious event for cartonboard packaging. The digitalization of the event provided an opportunity to open it to an even wider range of participants. While previously only executives and decision-makers of the European cartonboard industry participated with the nominated entrants, this year, brand owners, the media, students and their teachers, as well as all the friends and employees of Pro Carton and ECMA were able to enjoy the live e-vent.

Rarely seen creativity and Cutting edge technology *)
*) the hosts about the submissions of the young designers

This year in particular, the high number of participants in the Pro Carton Young Designers Award was hugely pleasing. In this competition, students from European art and design universities and schools presented their innovative and sustainable cartonboard solutions.

Innovative designs ranging from aesthetic knife sheaths, sushi to-go boxes and pharmaceutical packaging – the talent of this young generation, as well as the manifold possible applications for cartonboard, allows us look to the future in a spirit of optimism!

In keeping with the digitalization of the event, this year the Pro Carton Student Video Award was presented for the first time. The submitted videos explained the advantages of cartonboard through creative storytelling. The competition, which was aimed at students of media, marketing and economics, was a great success.

“The biggest tool in my toolbox was resilience”

The e-viewers enjoyed a varied and entertaining event, in which the appearance of British ski jumper and Olympic hero “Eddie the Eagle” was a special highlight. The former athlete is known for never having given up and for having always held on to his goal of becoming an Olympic participant in defiance of all manner of adversity. During the Awards ceremony, he named ‘resilience’ as the biggest weapon in his toolbox.

Resilience has also been a central theme for the cartonboard industry in recent months. A final assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cartonboard and packaging industry is not yet possible. What can be said with certainty, however, is that the cartonboard and folding carton industry has not been restricted by the crisis. Instead, it has stepped up its efforts to ensure uninterrupted supplies to its customers and to keep the critical supply chain running. To reinforce the recognition of the strategic importance of the industry in the wider economy, The European Commission has officially classified it as a ‘systemically important industry’.

PLATINUM for Diadermine Peeling Mousse

At this year’s European Carton Excellence Award, MMP Austria was delighted to receive a platinum award for a packaging commissioned by the customer Henkel.

  • Converter: Mayr-Melnhof Packaging International
  • Brand Owner: Henkel
  • Structural Designer: Mayr-Melnhof Packaging Austria
  • Cartonboard Manufacturer: Iggesund Holmen Group

Recycling as advertising

Attractively shaped sleeve with beautiful presentation of the enclosed product and significant promotional space. The sleeve helps the product to stand out from other jars on the shelf. It was developed exclusively for the Henkel Beauty Care initiative “Be Smarter. Recycle.” to promote the responsible use of resources.

We are delighted about the award and congratulate MMP Austria on this innovative packaging solution!