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Results for the 1st Half-Year 2024

consolidated, in millions of EUR, IFRS Q1/2023 Q2/2023 Q3/2023 Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024
Sales 1,122.1 1,059.3 1,015.1 967.9 1,025.0 1,018.9
Adjusted EBITDA 133.6 103.7 121.4 91.5 94.5 107.2
Adjusted operating profit 78.7 48.3 63.4 38.8 39.6 51.0
Adjusted operating margin (%) 7.0 % 4.6 % 6.2 % 4.0 % 3.9 % 5.0 %
Operating profit 61.6 42.4 55.8 37.8 39.6 51.0
Capital employed 3,309.3 3,449.8 3,558.0 3,546.3 3,515.0 3,455.2
Return on capital employed (%) 16.0 % 11.7 % 8.4 % 6.5 % 5.4 % 5.6 %
Profit before tax 49.0 28.2 41.7 17.8 18.0 33.2
Income tax expense (14.1) 0.2 (13.8) (19.9) (7.1) (6.7)
Profit for the period 34.9 28.4 27.9 (2.1) 10.9 26.5
Net profit margin (%) 3.1 % 2.7 % 2.7 % -0.2 % 1.1 % 2.6 %
Earnings per share (in EUR) 1.71 1.41 1.38 (0.14) 0.52 1.30
Cash flow from operating activities 67.2 82.9 177.2 458.9 52.5 148.1
Free cash flow (28.6) (36.3) 73.7 361.0 (38.5) 97.9
Capital expenditures 96.4 121.4 105.7 101.8 92.8 52.7
in millions of EUR, IFRS Q1/2023 Q2/2023 Q3/2023 Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024
Sales1) 521.2 498.1 448.4 451.4 483.5 502.7
Adjusted EBITDA 54.3 17.7 14.7 6.0 13.4 29.3
Adjusted operating profit 27.7 (9.8) (13.5) (24.2) (13.3) 2.2
Adjusted operating margin (%) 5.3 % -2.0 % -3.0 % -5.4 % -2.7 % 0.4 %
Operating profit 27.7 (9.8) (13.5) (24.2) (13.3) 2.2
Capital employed 1,745.5 1,797.1 1,846.6 1,869.1 1,863.1 1,835.8
Return on capital employed (%) 20.8 % 12.3 % 5.0 % -1.1 % -3.3 % -2.7 %
Cash flow from operating activities 10.0 3.0 64.1 214.5 (14.6) 61.2
Free cash flow (48.0) (74.5) 14.6 167.8 (59.3) 32.8
Capital expenditures 58.0 77.9 49.7 47.7 44.8 28.9
Tonnage sold (in thousands of tonnes) 473 486 487 502 564 570
                Cartonboard 375 365 365 371 439 447
                Paper 98 121 122 131 125 123
Tonnage produced (in thousands of tonnes) 488 469 482 506 576 584



in millions of EUR, IFRS Q1/2023 Q2/2023 Q3/2023 Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024
Sales1) 483,0 438,3 449,0 410,9 428,9 407,0
Adjusted EBITDA 62,2 67,9 86,8 65,6 60,1 61,3
Adjusted operating profit 43,7 49,8 66,8 54,6 40,8 41,6
Adjusted operating margin (%) 9,0 % 11,4 % 14,9 % 13,3 % 9,5 % 10,2 %
Operating profit 28,0 49,1 66,9 55,8 40,8 41,6
Capital Employed2) 1.196,1 1.258,0 1.300,0 1.272,2 1.243,0 1.210,1
Return on Capital Employed2) (%) 14,6 % 14,9 % 16,4 % 16,9 % 17,1 % 16,9 %
Cash flow from operating activities 65,0 70,3 88,5 194,6 47,3 71,9
Free Cash Flow 34,5 38,1 54,0 175,9 25,8 58,9
Capital expenditures 31,1 34,0 36,3 21,5 23,1 13,8
Produced volume (in millions of m2) 845 734 730 718 787 741



in millions of EUR, IFRS Q1/2023 Q2/2023 Q3/2023 Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024
Sales1) 174,1 169,1 158,1 152,3 164,8 156,8
Adjusted EBITDA 17,1 18,1 19,9 19,9 21,0 16,6
Adjusted operating profit 7,3 8,3 10,1 8,4 12,1 7,2
Adjusted operating margin (%) 4,2 % 4,9 % 6,4 % 5,5 % 7,3 % 4,6 %
Operating profit 5,9 3,1 2,4 6,2 12,1 7,2
Capital employed2) 367,7 394,7 411,4 405,0 408,9 409,3
Return on Capital employed2) (%) 8,0 % 7,9 % 8,3 % 8,4 % 9,5 % 9,2 %
Cash flow from operating activities (7,8) 9,6 24,6 49,8 19,8 15,0
Free Cash Flow (15,1) 0,1 5,1 17,3 (5,0) 6,2
Capital expenditures 7,3 9,5 19,7 32,6 24,9 10,0
Produced volume (in millions of m2) 249 245 233 230 245 233