MMK Customer Survey 2014 – Thank you!
Through continuous improvement, we are having lasting success in remaining the number one choice of our customers. That is why we wanted to find out more in the spring of this year: how satisfied are customers with MM Karton?

In the period of May/June 2014, Mayr-Melnhof Karton started an international online customer survey together with the independent market research institute, „market“, in which we tested the quality of our offer and the satisfaction of our customers with our services. The very good response rate from the almost 1,600 folding carton manufacturers, consumer goods producers, paper and cartonboard merchants and retailers to whom the survey was sent, was around one quarter.
We would like to express our sincere thanks at this point to those who took part in the survey. Your answers will help us to gain valuable insights to enable us in future to respond to your requirements even more precisely. Based on the results of the survey, our aim is to reinforce our position as a professional, expert, and reliable partner in all matters to do with cartonboard.
We take your feedback as an obligation. We hope that the summary of the results which we sent you, will give you an important insight into the packaging supply chain and its future.