Successful Reunion Mayr-Melnhof Karton‘s Second Technical Circle with Impressive Results
With the focus on the subjects of die-cutting and creasing as well as the differences in converting virgin fibre and recycled cartonboard, the next meeting of Mayr-Melnhof Karton‘s Technical Circle took place on April 10 and 11, 2014 in the Baiersbronn mill in Germany. Once again the numerous experts from the world of cartonboard converting taking part were delighted by the intensive exchange of opinions and the approaches for optimisation developed.
On the first day the practical effects stemming from the results of the first Technical Circle held at the end of 2013 were presented and discussed, followed by a tour of the virgin fibre cartonboard mill in Baiersbronn. The Technical Manager of the mill and the Quality Assurance Manager in Baiersbronn then gave a joint presentation on the subject of fibre technology. What types of fibres are there? What effect do different fibres have on the characteristics of the cartonboard?
The second day offered two main features: A new subject area was opened in the shape of “differences in converting virgin fibre and recycled cartonboard“, and in addition the topic of “die-cutting and creasing“ from the first Technical Circle was explored in more depth. There was a workshop on each subject and the results were then presented to the whole group.
The feedback from participants was once again very pleasing. Julian Plank, Training Manager for Packaging Technology at offset printers, Schwarzach GmbH, put it in a nutshell on behalf of all concerned: “We are delighted to receive so many impressions and we were struck by the excellent technical input. We found the mix of participants very appealing. When you have a fibre technologist, the production manager or mill manager of a cartonboard manufacturer and a folding carton manufacturer sitting around the table, you are sure to get the big picture!“
The next Technical Circle will take place in the autumn of 2014.