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Annual Results 2024

(consolidated, in millions of EUR) Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024
Sales 967.9 1,025.0 1,018.9 1,024.9 1,010.8
Adjusted EBITDA 91.5 94.5 107.2 94.0 122.8
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 9.5 % 9.2 % 10.5 % 9.2 % 12.2 %
Adjusted operating profit 38.8 39.6 51.0 35.7 63.7
Adjusted operating margin (%) 4.0 % 3.9 % 5.0 % 3.5 % 6.3 %
Operating profit 37.8 39.6 51.0 35.7 63.7
Capital employed 3,546.3 3,515.0 3,455.2 3,410.6 3,376.9
Return on capital employed (%) 6.5 % 5.4 % 5.6 % 4.8 % 5.6 %
Profit before tax 17.8 18.0 33.2 19.7 43.4
Income tax expense (19.9)  (7.1)  (6.7)  (4.8) 14.8
Profit for the period (2.1) 10.9 26.5 14.9 58.2
Net profit margin (%) -0.2 % 1.1 % 2.6 % 1.5 % 5.8 %
Earnings per share (in EUR)  (0.14) 0.52 1.30 0.72 2.87
Cash flow from operating activities 458.9 52.5 148.1  (33.0) 348.7
Free cash flow 361.0  (38.5) 97.9  (78.2) 321.0
Capital expenditures 101.8 92.8 52.7 45.8 29.6
(in millions of EUR) Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024
Sales1) 410.9 428.9 407.0 431.6 434.9
Adjusted EBITDA 65.6 60.1 61.3 68.2 68.7
Adjusted operating profit 54.6 40.8 41.6 48.2 48.8
Adjusted operating margin (%) 13.3 % 9.5 % 10.2 % 11.2 % 11.2 %
Operating profit 55.8 40.8 41.6 48.2 48.8
Capital employed 1,272.2 1,243.0 1,210.1 1,180.5 1,152.2
Return on capital employed (%) 16.9 % 17.1 % 16.9 % 15.7 % 15.6 %
Cash flow from operating activities 194.6 47.3 71.9 28.6 173.4
Free cash flow 175.9 25.8 58.9 16.2 164.0
Capital expenditures 21.5 23.1 13.8 10.6 10.8
Produced volume (in millions of m2) 718 787 741 813 762

1) including interdivisional sales

(in millions of EUR) Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024
Sales1) 152.3 164.8 156.8 148.6 145.5
Adjusted EBITDA 19.9 21.0 16.6 18.3 14.0
Adjusted operating profit 8.4 12.1 7.2 7.5 3.0
Adjusted operating margin (%) 5.5 % 7.3 % 4.6 % 5.0 % 2.2 %
Operating profit 6.2 12.1 7.2 7.5 3.0
Capital employed 405.0 408.9 409.3 414.3 423.4
Return on capital employed (%) 8.4 % 9.5 % 9.2 % 8.5 % 7.0 %
Cash flow from operating activities 49.8 19.8 15.0 (2.0) 39.1
Free cash flow 17.3 (5.0) 6.2 (13.4) 31.9
Capital expenditures 32.6 24.9 10.0 12.1 8.8
Produced volume (in millions of m2) 230 245 233 232 208
1) including interdivisional sales
(in millions of EUR) Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024
Sales1) 451.4 483.5 502.7 491.1 477.0
Adjusted EBITDA 6.0 13.4 29.3 7.5 40.1
Adjusted operating profit (24.2) (13.3) 2.2 (20.0) 11.9
Adjusted operating margin (%) -5.4 % -2.7 % 0.4 % -4.1 % 2.5 %
Operating profit (24.2) (13.3) 2.2 (20.0) 11.9
Capital employed 1,869.1 1,863.1 1,835.8 1,815.8 1,801.3
Return on capital employed (%) -1.1 % -3.3 % -2.7 % -3.0 % -1.1 %
Cash flow from operating activities 214.5 (14.6) 61.2 (59.6) 136.2
Free cash flow 167.8 (59.3) 32.8 (81.0) 125.1
Capital expenditures 47.7 44.8 28.9 23.1 10.0
Tonnage produced (in thous. of tonnes) 696 795 812 747 791
    Cartonboard 386 450 465 431 417
    Paper 121 126 119 118 134
    Pulp2) 189 219 228 198 240
       Market pulp 23 32 33 19 35
       Internal pulp 166 187 195 179 205

1) including interdivisional sales
2) Chemical Pulp and CTMP