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Annual Results 2022

consolidated, in millions of EUR, IFRS 4Q/2021 1Q/2022 2Q/2022 3Q/2022 4Q/2022
Sales 962.6 1,060.4 1,158.1 1,231.9 1,231.7
EBITDA 138.0 155.0 220.8 215.4 138.7
EBITDA margin (in %) 14.3 % 14.6 % 19.1 % 17.5 % 11.3 %
Operating profit 92.4 111.1 173.9 167.2 58.1
Operating margin (in %) 9.6 % 10.5 % 15.0 % 13.6 % 4.7 %
Profit before tax 82.1 103.6 166.6 146.6 50.1
Income tax expense (19.8) (24.1) (40.3) (37.2) (20.1)
Profit for the period 62.3 79.5 126.3 109.4 30.0
Net profit margin (in %) 6.5 % 7.5 % 10.9 % 8.9 % 2.4 %
Earnings per share (in EUR) 3.09 3.95 6.29 5.43 1.52
Cash flow from operating activities 104.0 49.3 89.0 117.4 44.0
in millions of EUR, IFRS 4Q/2021 1Q/2022 2Q/2022 3Q/2022 4Q/2022
Sales1) 569.7 656.3 725.9 747.3 620.5
EBITDA 60.6 95.7 157.8 142.9 102.9
Operating profit 33.4 70.1 131.6 116.5 62.8
Operating margin (in %) 5.9 % 10.7 % 18.1 % 15.6 % 10.1 %
Cash flow from operating activities 69.7 18.5 83.6 124.9 17.4
Tonnage sold (in thousands of tonnes) 671 657 623 615 494
       Cartonboard 507 494 467 469 373
       Kraftpapers 62 64 64 51 41
       Uncoated Fine Papers 102 99 92 95 80
Tonnage produced (in thousands of tonnes) 678 659 671 611 492


1)including interdivisional sales

in millions of EUR, IFRS 4Q/2021 1Q/2022 2Q/2022 3Q/2022 4Q/2022
Sales1) 432.0 454.9 502.4 552.9 658.5
EBITDA 77.4 59.3 63.0 72.5 35.8
Operating profit 59.0 41.0 42.3 50.7 (4.7)
Operating margin (in %) 13.7 % 9.0 % 8.4 % 9.2 % -0.7 %
Cash flow from operating activities 34.3 30.8 5.4 (7.5) 26.6
Produced volume (in millions of m2) 936 959 954 1,015 1,128

1)including interdivisional sales