MM-Academy: Our Knowledge, the Path to Success!
The professional know-how and passion of our employees are the decisive factors in the long-term success of our group. In order to further promote and deepen their knowledge, skills and talent on a lasting basis, we set up the MM-Academy almost a decade ago as the central body responsible for training throughout the group.
Our objective is to enable employees to fulfil their long-term potential, and as their expertise grows, to take on ever more responsible assignments in an international context. The focus of staff development therefore lies in establishing the framework conditions for this to be achieved. Following this principle, several thousand employees receive training from the MM-Academy every year in the group headquarters and in individual company locations.
The range of products on offer can be divided into seminars on hard and soft skills, language courses and the MM-Apprentice Academy:
Hard skill training focuses on expanding specific technical expertise in the areas of production, engineering, finance, and IT, and the training is provided by internal and external experts. The aim of soft skill training is to develop personal skills and encourage positive attitudes. This includes courses on subjects such as mental training, self-expression, body language, giving presentations, conflict management, time and project management. Language courses are given exclusively by native speakers in very small groups whereby the focus lies on the participants‘ particular areas of activity. Courses are also offered online to enable employees to learn languages without being tied to a particular time and place.
Qualified young talents are the key to long-term business success. For five years the MM-Academy has therefore also been responsible for apprentice training, and it trains apprentices and trainees mainly in soft skills areas. Social skills, the ability to communicate and fit into a team are taught in four modules per year during the apprenticeship or training course. Under the motto “career with apprenticeship“, our young professionals are prepared for a career in the company. In this way we tie technical expertise to the company for the long term, and there are attractive career opportunities on offer.
Further training and active willingness to learn are indispensable factors which contribute towards personal success and the success of our company. Qualifications are of vital importance in the competitive environment. Our MM-Academy helps us to be better prepared to meet the challenges tomorrow will bring.