MMK supports initiative for children, “Reading and telling stories improves health“
Reading aloud to children not only promotes the development of their speech and their ability to concentrate, but also boosts their imagination and makes a significant contribution to their social skills. With their unique project entitled “Reading and telling stories improves health“, Austria‘s paediatricians are aiming to make parents aware of the importance of reading aloud.
The collection of four postcards aimed at encouraging the practice of reading aloud, are printed on MMK‘s virgin fibre cartonboard, Silvawhite™ (GC1), from the Dutch mill in Eerbeek. The procedure is very simple: every time they visit the paediatrician, parents are given a story postcard. As well as high-quality illustrations, picture puzzles and story quizzes, they will also find a voucher code on the card with which they can register on the website and select high-quality stories to match their child‘s profile (e.g. age, likes and dislikes) or have them sent by email.
A total of around 500 doctors as well as paediatric wards in hospitals are taking part in this campaign in Austria. This commitment and the information handed over personally on the importance

of reading aloud to children are helping to raise awareness in society. Folke Tegetthoff, author, narrator and initiator of the online platform,, and the campaign “Paediatricians mobilising“, explains: “The aim of the project is to emphasise that the simplest and at the same time most sensible “communication bridge“ between parents and children consists in reading aloud and telling quality stories. Reading aloud and telling stories can be equated with giving time, attention and warmth.“
In many countries in which MMK operates, we commit to a wide variety of sensible social projects. We are proud to be part of such a great story.